Journal Article (117)

Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Allen, B. (1986). Price-Setting Firms and the Oligopolistic Foundations of Perfect Competition. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 76, 387–392
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Güth, W. (1986). The Private Supply of a Public Good. Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 5, 121–159
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1985). Geldwert und Geldneutralität: Indirekter Tausch und Geld in der temporären Gleichgewichtstheorie. Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 14, 503–508
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1985). What do we know about Currency Competition? Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 105, 565–588
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Gale, D. (1985). Incentive-Compatible Debt Contracts: The One-Period Problem. Review of Economic Studies, 52, 647–663
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1983). Moral Hazard and Monopolistically Competitive Insurance Markets. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 8, 44–71
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1983). A Note on the Implementation of Rational Expectations Equilibria. Economic Letters, 11, 1–8
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1982). Rational Expectations and the Markov Property of Temporary Equilibrium Processes. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 9, 135–144
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1982). Rational Expectations Equilibrium with Conditioning on Past Prices: A Mean-Variance Example. Journal of Economic Theory, 26, 279–312
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1982). Zur Informationseffizienz des Kapitalmarktes. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 102, 1–27
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1981). Bankruptcy, Limited Liability, and the Modigliani-Miller Theorem. American Economic Review, 71, 155–170
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1980). The Aggregation of Information in Competitive Markets. Journal of Economic Theory, 22, 477–498
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1980). Stochastic Processes of Temporary Equilibria: A Note. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 7, 287–299
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1977). A Model of Borrowing and Lending with Bankruptcy. Econometrica, 45, 1879–1906
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1975). The Demand for Money and Bonds in Continuous-Time Models. Journal of Economic Theory, 11, 462–464
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Foley, D. (1975). Asset Management with Trading Uncertainty. Review of Economic Studies, 42, 327–346
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Foley, D. (1975). A Note on the Budget Constraint in a Model of Borrowing. Journal of Economic Theory, 11, 305–314

Book (7)

Admati, A. R., & Hellwig, M. (forthcoming). The Bankers' New Clothes: What’s Wrong With Banking and What to Do About It - New and Expanded Edition, 448 p. Princeton University Press
Admati, A. R., & Hellwig, M. (2013). The Bankers' New Clothes: What’s Wrong With Banking and What to Do About It, 398 p. Princeton University Press
Hellwig, M., Spengel, C., Endres, D., Harhoff, D., Heinemann, F., Hüther, M., … Stein, K. (Eds.). (2009). Steuerliche Förderung von Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) in Deutschland, 8. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
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