Journal Article (117)

Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1995). Systemic Aspects of Risk Management in Banking and Finance. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 131, 723–737
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1994). Liquidity Provision, Banking, and the Allocation of Interest Rate Risk. European Economic Review, 38, 1363–1389
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1993). The Challenge of Monetary Theory. European Economic Review, 37, 215–242
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Allen, B. (1993). Bertrand-Edgeworth Duopoly with Proportional Residual Demand. International Economic Review, 34, 39–60
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1992). Comment on ‘The Marshall Plan: Economic Effects and Implications for Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union’ by B. Eichengreen and M. Uzan. Economic Policy, 14, 55–58
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1992). Fully Revealing Outcomes in Signalling Models: An Example of Nonexistence when the Type Space is Unbounded. Journal of Economic Theory, 58, 93–104
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1991). Die Kommunikationsfunktion der Finanzmärkte. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 127, 351–364
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., Leininger, W., Reny, P., & Robson, A. (1990). Subgame Perfect Equilibrium in Continuous Games of Perfect Information: An Elementary Approach to Existence and Approximation by Discrete Games. Journal of Economic Theory, 52, 406–422
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1989). Asymmetric Information, Financial Markets, and Financial Institutions: Where are We Currently Going? European Economic Review, 33, 277–285
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Allen, B. (1989). The Approximation of Competitive by Bertrand-Edgeworth Equilibria in Large Markets. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18, 103–126
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1988). Comment on ‘Equity, Opportunism and the Design of Contractual Relations.’ Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 144, 200–207
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1988). A Note on the Specification of Inter-Firm Communication in Insurance Markets with Adverse Selection. Journal of Economic Theory, 46, 154–163
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1987). Some Recent Developments in the Theory of Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection. European Economic Review, 31, 319–325
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Leininger, W. (1987). On the Existence of Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium in Infinite-Action Games of Perfect Information.
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Neumann, M. J. M. (1987). Economic Policy in Germany: Was There a Turnaround? Economic Policy, 5, 105–140
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1986). Comment on 'The Pure Theory of Country Risk' by Jonathan Eaton, Mark Gersovitz, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. European Economic Review, 30, 521–527
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1986). Comment on ‘Unemployment Flows in Britain: Facts, Theory and Policy. Economic Policy, 1, 543–548
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1986). The Optimal Linear Income Tax Revisited. Journal of Public Economics, 31, 163–179
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1986). Risikoallokation in einem Marktsystem. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 122, 231–251
Journal Article
Hellwig, M., & Allen, B. (1986). Bertrand-Edgeworth Oligopoly in Large Markets. Review of Economic Studies, 53, 175–204
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