Journal Article (117)

Journal Article
Hellwig, M., Gual, J., Perrot, A., Rey, P., Schmidt, K., Stenbacka, R., & Policy, E. A. G. on C. (2006). An Economic Approach to Article 82. Competition Policy International, 2, 111–154
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2005). Elitemodell Wartburg? Dokumentationen des Stifterverbandes f, 16–23
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2005). A Utilitarian Approach to the Provision and Pricing of Excludable Public Goods. Journal of Public Economics, 89, 1981–2003
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2004). The Relation between Real Wage Rates and Employment: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Approach. German Economic Review 5, 5, 263–295
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2003). Public-Good Provision with Many Participants. Review of Economic Studies, 70, 589–614
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2002). Discrete-Time Approximations of the Holmström-Milgrom Brownian-Motion Model of Intertemporal Incentive Provision. Econometrica, 70, 2225–2264
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2002). Netzwettbewerb durch Regulierung. VIK-Mitteilungen, 52, 118–124
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Hellwig, M., Laux, C., & Müller, H. M. (2002). Conglomeration: Good, Bad, or Unavoidable? Schmalenbach Business Review, 55–78
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Hellwig, M. (2001). Risk Aversion and Incentive Compatibility with Ex Post Information Asymmetry. Economic Theory, 18, 415–438
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Hellwig, M., & Irmen, A. (2001). Endogenous Technical Change in a Competitive Economy. Journal of Economic Theory, 101, 1–39
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2000). Banken zwischen Politik und Markt: Worin besteht die volkswirtschaftliche Verantwortung der Banken? Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 1, 337–356
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (2000). Financial Intermediation with Risk Aversion. Review of Economic Studies, 67, 719–742
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1998). Banks, Markets, and the Allocation of Risks. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 154, 328–351
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Hellwig, M. (1998). International Contagion - the Result of Information or of Rhetoric? Contribution to Panel on International Contagion. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 134, 715–721
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Hellwig, M. (1998). Systemische Risiken im Finanzsektor. Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 261, 123–151
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Hellwig, M. (1996). Capital Requirements for Market Risks Based on Inhouse Models – Aspects of Quality Assessment – Beitrag zur Panel-Diskussion. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 132, 755–759
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1996). Rational Expectations Equilibria in Sequence Economies with Symmetric Information: The Two Period Case. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 26, 9–49
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1996). Sequential Decisions Under Uncertainty and the Maximum Theorem. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 25, 443–464
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1995). The Assessment of Large Compounds of Independent Gambles. Journal of Economic Theory, 67, 299–326
Journal Article
Hellwig, M. (1995). The Macroeconomic Implications of Capital Adequacy Requirements for Banks. European Economic Review, 39, 739–749
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