Journal Article (182)

Journal Article
Sutter, M., Haigner, S., & Kocher, M. (2010). Choosing the Carrot or the Stick? Endogenous Institutional Choice in Social Dilemma Situations. Review of Economic Studies, 77, 1540–1566
Journal Article
Bayer, R., & Sutter, M. (2009). The excess burden of tax evasion—An experimental detection–concealment contest. European Economic Review, 53, 527–543
Journal Article
Fellner, G., & Sutter, M. (2009). Causes, Consequences, and Cures of Myopic Loss Aversion – An Experimental Investigation. Economic Journal, 119, 900–916
Journal Article
Ibanez, M., Czermak, S., & Sutter, M. (2009). Searching for a better deal – On the influence of group decision making, time pressure and gender on search behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, 1–10
Journal Article
Luhan, W., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2009). Group polarization in the team dictator game reconsidered. Experimental Economics, 12, 26–41
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2009). Individual Behavior and Group Membership: Comment. American Economic Review, 99, 2247–2257
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2009). Deception Through Telling the Truth?! Experimental Evidence From Individuals and Teams. Economic Journal, 119, 47–60
Journal Article
Sutter, M., Bosman, R., Kocher, M., & van Winden, F. (2009). Gender pairing and bargaining—Beware the same sex! Experimental Economics, 12, 318–331
Journal Article
Sutter, M., Kocher, M., & Strauß, S. (2009). Individuals and teams in auctions. Oxford Economic Papers, 61, 380–394
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Strassmair, C. (2009). Communication, cooperation and collusion in team tournaments—An experimental study. Games and Economic Behavior, 66, 506–525
Journal Article
Bahrs, E., Kroll, S., & Sutter, M. (2008). Trading Agricultural Payment Entitlements: An Experimental Investigation of Bilateral Negotiations. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90, 1201–1207
Journal Article
Davies, J., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2008). Economics research in Canada: a long-run assessment of journal publications. Canadian Journal of Economics, 41, 22–45
Journal Article
Huber, J., Kirchler, M., & Sutter, M. (2008). Is more information always better?: Experimental financial markets with cumulative information. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 65, 86–104
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Kocher, M., Cherry, T., Kroll, S., Netzer, J., & Sutter, M. (2008). Conditional cooperation on three continents. Economics Letters, 101, 175–178
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Schwieren, C., & Sutter, M. (2008). Trust in cooperation or ability? An experimental study on gender differences. Economics Letters, 99, 494–497
Journal Article
Güth, W., Levati, M. V., Sutter, M., & van der Heijden, E. (2007). Leading by example with and without exclusion power in voluntary contribution experiments. Journal of Public Economics, 91(5/6), 1023–1042
Journal Article
Güth, W., Schmidt, C., & Sutter, M. (2007). Bargaining outside the lab – a newspaper experiment of a three-person ultimatum game. Economic Journal, 117, 449–469
Journal Article
Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2007). Individual versus group behavior and the role of the decision making procedure in gift-exchange experiments. Empirica, 34, 63–88
Journal Article
Kugler, T., Bornstein, G., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2007). Trust between individuals and groups: Groups are less trusting than individuals but just as trustworthy. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28, 646–657
Journal Article
Levati, M. V., Sutter, M., & van der Heijden, E. (2007). Leading by Example in a Public Goods Experiment with Heterogeneity and Incomplete Information. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 51, 793–818
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2007). Are teams prone to myopic loss aversion? An experimental study on individual versus team investment behavior. Economics Letters, 97, 128–132
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2007). Outcomes versus intentions: On the nature of fair behavior and its development with age. Journal of Economic Psychology, 28, 69–78
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Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2007). Trust and trustworthiness across different age groups. Games and Economic Behavior, 59, 364–382
Journal Article
Güth, W., Sutter, M., & Verbon, H. (2006). Voluntary versus Compulsory Solidarity: Theory and Experiment. JITE - Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 162, 347–363
Journal Article
Huber, J., Kirchler, M., & Sutter, M. (2006). Vom Nutzen zusätzlicher Information auf Märkten mit unterschiedlich informierten Händlern - Eine experimentelle Studie. zfbf - Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 58, 188–211
Journal Article
Irlenbusch, B., & Sutter, M. (2006). An experimental analysis of voting in the Stability and Growth Pact in the European Monetary Union. Public Choice, 129, 417–434
Journal Article
Kocher, M., Luptacik, M., & Sutter, M. (2006). Measuring productivity of research in economics: A cross-country study using DEA. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40, 314–332
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Kocher, M., Strauß, S., & Sutter, M. (2006). Individual or team decision-making—Causes and consequences of self-selection. Games and Economic Behavior, 56, 259–270
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Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2006). Time is money—Time pressure, incentives, and the quality of decision-making. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61, 375–392
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Sutter, M. (2006). Endogenous versus exogenous allocation of prizes in teams—Theory and experimental evidence. Labour Economics, 13, 519–549
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Bosman, R., Sutter, M., & van Winden, F. (2005). The impact of real effort and emotions in the power-to-take game. Journal of Economic Psychology, 26, 407–429
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Güth, W., Strauß, S., & Sutter, M. (2005). Tax evasion and state productivity - An experimental study. Metroeconomica, 56, 85–100
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Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2005). The Decision Maker Matters: Individual Versus Group Behaviour in Experimental Beauty-Contest Games. Economic Journal, 115, 200–223
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Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2005). The decision maker matters. Individual versus team behavior in experimental beauty-contest games. The Economic Journal, 115, 200–223
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Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2005). Spieltheoretische Analyse von Konflikt und Kooperation. Zum Nobelpreis an Robert Aumann und Thomas Schelling. Wirtschaftsdienst, 85, 802–808
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Margreiter, M., Sutter, M., & Dittrich, D. (2005). Individual and collective choice and voting in common pool resource problems with heterogeneous actors. Environmental and Resource Economics, 32, 241–271
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Sutter, M. (2005). Are four heads better than two? An experimental beauty-contest game with teams of different size. Economics Letters, 88, 41–46
Journal Article
Haas, D., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2004). Measuring efficiency of German football teams by Data Envelopment Analysis. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 12, 251–268
Journal Article
Huber, J., Kirchler, M., & Sutter, M. (2004). On the benefit of additional information in markets with heterogeneously informed agents – an experimental study. Nonlinear Dynamics and Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, WEHIA 2003 Proceedings, 41–52. Springer
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2004). Favoritism of agents – The case of referees' home bias. Journal of Economic Psychology, 25, 461–469
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2004). Patterns of co-authorship among economics departments in the USA. Applied Economics, 36, 327–333
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2004). An experimental test of the public-goods crowding-out hypothesis when taxation is endogenous. Finanzarchiv, 60, 94–110
Journal Article
Güth, W., Ivanova-Stenzel, R., Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2003). Investment and Bargaining in Joint Ventures: A Family Decision-Making Experiment. JITE - Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159, 323–341
Journal Article
Güth, W., Schmidt, C., & Sutter, M. (2003). Fairness in the Mail and Opportunism in the Internet: A Newspaper Experiment on Ultimatum Bargaining. German Economic Review, 4, 243–265
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Huber, G., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2003). Government Strength, Power Dispersion in Governments and Budget Deficits in OECD-Countries. A Voting Power Approach. Public Choice, 116, 333–350
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Hule, R., & Sutter, M. (2003). Can the Stability and Growth Pact in EMU Cause Budget Deficit Cycles? Empirica, 30, 25–38
Journal Article
Irlenbusch, B., Leopold-Wildburger, U., Schütze, J., & Sutter, M. (2003). Voting in EMU — An Experimental Study of Institutional Innovation and the Role of Communication in the Stability and Growth Pact. Journal of Common Market Studies, 41, 645–664
Journal Article
Kocher , M., & Sutter, M. (2003). Zum Einfluss der Stärke und der Fragmentierung von Regierungen auf Defizite und Schulden. Das öffentliche Haushaltswesen in Österreich, 44, 81–87
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2003). The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy: An Experimental Study on the Strategic Use of Deficits. Public Choice, 116, 313–332
Journal Article
Sutter, M., Kocher, M., & Strauß, S. (2003). Bargaining under time pressure in an experimental ultimatum game. Economics Letters, 81, 341–347
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2003). On the effects of asymmetric and endogenous taxation in experimental public goods games. Economics Letters, 79, 59–67
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Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2003). Taxation and the Veil of Ignorance – A Real Effort Experiment on the Laffer Curve. Public Choice, 115, 217–240
Journal Article
Güth, W., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2002). Experimental ‘beauty contests’ with homogeneous and heterogeneous players and with interior and boundary equilibria. Economics Letters, 74, 219–228
Journal Article
Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2002). Lack of standardization in informetric research: Reply. Scientometrics, 55, 329–331
Journal Article
Mrsic, R., Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2002). Publish or Perish - Der Anteil einzelner Staaten an der ökonomischen Forschung. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 49, 79–86
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2002). Public Bad Prevention by Majority Voting on Redistribution – Experimental Evidence. Group Decision and Negotiation, 11, 415–428
Journal Article
Sutter, M., Kocher, M., & Mrsic, R. (2002). Representation and Educational Background of European Economists in Top Journals of Economics. Empirica, 29, 275–288
Journal Article
Güth, W., Ivanova-Stenzel, R., Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2001). The prize but also the price may be high: An experimental study of family bargaining. Environment and Wellbeing. Conference Proceedings of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), 105–108. Bath, U.K.
Journal Article
Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2001). The Institutional Concentration of Authors in Top Journals of Economics During the Last Two Decades. Economic Journal, 111, 405–421
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Kocher, M., & Sutter, M. (2001). Lotkas Gesetz der wissenschaftlichen Produktivität. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt, 30, 157–159
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (2001). Messung von Abstimmungsmacht und Anwendung auf den EU-Ministerrat. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt, 30, 339–341
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2001). Tools for Evaluating Research Output: Are Citation-Based Rankings of Economics Journals Stable? Evaluation Review, 25, 555–566
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2001). Power laws of research output. Evidence for journals of economics. Scientometrics, 51, 405–414
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2001). Rankings von ökonomischen Zeitschriften. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt, 30, 117–120
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Kocher, M. (2001). Messung von Abstimmungsmacht und Anwendung auf den EU-Ministerrat. Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 30, 339–341
Journal Article
Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (2001). Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter und experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung. Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 30, 247–253
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Sutter, M. (2000). Fair Allocation and Re-Weighting of Votes and Voting Power in the EU before and after the Next Enlargement. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 12, 433–449
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Sutter, M. (2000). Flexible Integration, EMU and Relative Voting Power in the EU. Public Choice, 104, 41–62
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Sutter, M. (1999). Voting and voting power in the Stability Pact. Homo Oeconomicus, 15, 521–542
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Sutter, M., & Weck-Hannemann, H. (1999). Popitzsches Gesetz und Europäische Währungsunion. Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 28, 1615–1616
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Sutter, M. (1998). Stabilitätspakt: Eine fiktive ex-post Anwendung und reale Probleme der Zukunft. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 47, 317–334
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Sutter, M. (1998). Defizit und Wachstumsrate: Ein kurzer empirischer Beitrag zum Stabilitätspakt. Wirtschaftsdienst, 78, 309–312
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Sutter, M. (1998). Subsidiaritätsprinzip im Zwielicht - eine notwendige Ergänzung. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt, 27, 204–205
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (1997). Stabilitätspakt. Europäischer Rahmen für die österreichische Finanzpolitik. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 44, 319–325. [Wien: Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag]
Journal Article
Sutter, M. (1997). Bedingungen stabiler öffentlicher Finanzen in der Währungsunion. Das öffentliche Haushaltswesen in Österreich, 38, 27–44
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Sutter, M. (1997). Sozialpolitik in der EU - national und supranational. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 44, 76–86. [Wien: Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag]
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Sutter, M. (1996). Ein Currency Board für Stufe 3 der Europäischen Währungsunion. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 43, 486–495. [Wien: Österreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag]
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Sutter, M. (1996). A currency board for EMU outsiders. Intereconomics, 31, 131–138
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Sutter, M. (1996). Außenwirkungen öffentlicher Verschuldung in der Europäischen Währungsunion. Das öffentliche Haushaltswesen in Österreich, 37, 61–81
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Sutter, M. (1996). Öffentliche Verschuldung in einer Währungsunion. Zur Notwendigkeit ihrer Disziplinierung und Sanktionierung. CA-Quarterly, I, 29–36
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Sutter, M. (1996). Public Indebtedness in a Monetary Union. Comments on the Necessity of its Disciplining and Sanctioning. CA-Quarterly, I, 26–33
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Sutter, M. (1996). Öffentliche Verschuldung in der Währungsunion., 80. Wien: Wirtschaftsverlag
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Sutter, M. (1995). Fiskalpolitik in einer Währungsunion - Ende oder Wende? Vorbemerkungen zu ”Maastricht II.” Der öffentliche Sektor - Forschungsmemoranden, 21/3, 17–25
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