Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Sutter


Forthcoming publications

  • Alysandratos, T., Georganas, S., & Sutter, M. (2022). Reputation vs Selection Effects in Markets with Informational Asymmetries. Review of Economics and Statistics. (MPI Discussion Paper 2022/8)
  • Balafoutas, L., Batsaikhan, M., Sutter, M., Competitiveness of entrepreneurs and salaried workers. Management Science. (MPI Discussion Paper 2021/7)
  • Bortolotti, S., Soraperra, I., Sutter, M., Zoller, C., Too lucky to be true: Fairness views under the shadow of cheating. Review of Economics and Statistics. Link to older working paper version.
  • Detlefsen, L., Friedl, A., Lima de Miranda, K., Schmidt, U., Sutter, M. (2024), Are economic preferences shaped by the family context? The impact of birth order and siblings’ sex composition on economic preferences. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, forthcoming.

Working papers

Publications since 2019

10 other publications

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