Publications of Leonor Moral Soriano

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L.: How Proportionate should Anti-competition State Intervention be? European Law Review (28), pp. 112 - 123 (2003)
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L.: A Modest Notion of Coherence in Legal Reasoning. A Model for the European Court of Justice. Ratio Juris 16 (3), pp. 296 - 323 (2003)
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L.: Servicio Universal y Telecomunicaciones. REDETI (16), pp. 37 - 62 (2003)
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L.; Sarmiento Ramirez-Escudero, D.: Ordenanzas locales, reserva de Ley y reservas democráticas. Cuadernos de Derecho Local (3), pp. 120 - 130 (2003)
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L.: "Balancing reasons at the European court of justice" in proceedings of the IVR conference 1999 legal philosophy: general aspects (concepts, rights and doctrines). Archiv f, pp. 128 - 142 (2002)
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L.: Proporcionalidad y servicios de interés económico general. Revista Espa 3, pp. 387 - 416 (2002)

Book (1)

Moral Soriano, L.: El precedente judicial. Marcial Pons, Madrid (2002), 269 pp.

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Moral Soriano, L.: Politics and Adjudication. Problem Definition and Conflict Solution in European Electricity Policy. In: Law and Politics, pp. 151 - 167 (Eds. Engel, C.; Héritier, A.). Nomos, Baden-Baden (2003)
Book Chapter
Moral Soriano, L.; Héritier, A.: The case of public mission versus competition rules and trade rules. In: Common Goods: Reinventing European and International Governance, pp. 207 - 231. Rowman & Littlefield, Boulder, CO (2002)
Book Chapter
Moral Soriano, L.; Ladeur, K.-H.: A theoretical approach to the tension between form and substance in English judicial reasoning. In: The Europeanization of Administrative Law: Transforming National Decision-Making Procedures, pp. 122 - 144. Ashgate, Dartmouth (2002)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Héritier, A.; Moral Soriano, L.: Differentiating and linking politics and adjudication: the example of European electricity policy. (2001)