Publications of Christopher Roth

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Jäger, S., Roth, C., Roussille, N., & Schoefer, B. (2024). Worker beliefs about outside options. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 139(3), 1505–1556
Journal Article
Mikosch, H., Roth, C., Sarferaz, S., & Wohlfahrt, J. (2024). Uncertainty and information acquisition: Evidence from firms and households. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 16(2), 375–405
Journal Article
Chopra, F., Haaland, I., Roth, C., & Stegmann, A. (2024). The null result penalty. The Economic Journal, 134(657), 193–219
Journal Article
Hager, A., Hensel, L., Hermle, J., & Roth, C. (2023). Political activists as free riders: Evidence from a natural field experiment. The Economic Journal, 133(653), 2068–2084
Journal Article
Hager, A., Hensel, L., Roth, C., & Stegmann, A. (2023). Voice and political engagement: Evidence from a field experiment. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1–34
Journal Article
Bursztyn, L., Egorov, G., Haaland, I., Rao, A., & Roth, C. (2023). Justifying dissent. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(3), 1403–1451
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