Publications of Martin Beckenkamp

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M., Engel, C., Glöckner, A., Irlenbusch, B., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Kube, S., … Towfigh, E. V. (2014). First Impressions are More Important than Early Intervention. Qualifying Broken Windows Theory in the Lab. International Review of Law and Economics, 37, 126–136
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M. (2011). Vertrauen, Sanktionen und Anreize aus spieltheoretisch-psychologischer Perspektive. Zeitschrift für internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 6, 137–142
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M. (2010). Nachhaltige Erhaltung der Biodiversität im sozialen Dilemma. FORUM Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, 106–107
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M. (2010). Unternehmenskultur und Unternehmenserfolg – Psychologie im Konflikt zwischen Wettbewerb und Vertrauen. BDP Jahresbericht 2010: Psychologische Expertise für erfolgreiches Unternehmertum in Deutschland, 88–92
Journal Article
Ohl, C., Johst, K., Meyerhoff, J., Beckenkamp, M., Grüsgen, V., & Drechsler, M. (2010). Long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER) for biodiversity protection – A complex systems approach for the study of dynamic human–nature interactions. Ecological Complexity, 7, 170–178
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M. (2008). Zur Kompatibilität von Konfliktstruktur und Konfliktmanagement am Beispiel eines Fischereikonflikts. Umweltpsychologie, 12, 123–139
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M., & Maier-Rigaud, F. P. (2006). An Experimental Investigation of Article 82 Rebate Schemes. The Competiton Law Review, 2, 1–29
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M. (2002). Maß für Maß die Effizienz steigern. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 6, 14–17
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M., Ostmann, A., & Leopold-Wildburger, U. (2002). Strategy and Prediction: Predicting Total Usage of a Common Pool Resource. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 10, 237–260

Book (1)

Beckenkamp, M. (2002). Sanktionen im Gemeingutdilemma: eine spieltheoretische und psychologische Analyse. Weinheim: Beltz

Book Chapter (13)

Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (2010). Diagnose und Stabilisierung instabiler Win-Win Situationen. In M. Mey, S. Laumen, & L. Packebusch (Eds.), Wirtschaftspsychologie und Innovation, 47–56. Lengerich: Pabst Science
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (2010). The social dilemma of climate change: Socio-economic implications. In W. Leal (Ed.), Social, Economic and Political Aspects of Climate Change, 143–152. Berlin: Springer
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (2008). Eine spieltheoretische Sicht auf Umwelt- und Fehlermanagementprobleme. In C. Clases & H. Schulze (Eds.), Kooperation konkret!, 38–48. Lengerich: Pabst Science
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M., & Eigenstetter, M. (2008). Diagnostik kooperativer Fertigkeiten in der Personalauswahl. In C. Clases & H. Schulze (Eds.), Kooperation konkret!, 74–84. Lengerich: Pabst Science
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (2007). Change happens - Kommunikationsmanagement im sozialen Dilemma. In G. Bentele, M. Piwinger, & G. Schönborn (Eds.), Kommunikationsmanagement, Loseblattsammlung, 1–24. Hermann Luchterhand Verlag
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (2006). Die Förderung sozialer Intelligenz im Wertewandel. In B. Klauk & M. Stangel-Meseke (Eds.), Mit Werten wirtschaften - Mit Trends trumpfen, 79–100. Lengerich: Pabst
Book Chapter
Engel, C., Goldstein, D. G., Arkes, H. R., Beckenkamp, M., Cooter, R., Ellickson, R. C., … Weber, E. (2006). How Do Heuristics Mediate the Impact of Law on Behavior? In C. Engel & G. Gigerenzer (Eds.), Heuristics and the Law, 439–465. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (2001). "Pointierte Zusammenfassung" zu den Beiträgen im Themenblock „Das Instrumentarium des Umweltschutzes im Überblick“. In H.-W. Rengeling (Ed.), Umwelt als knappes Gut, 116–122. Köln: Carl Heymanns
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M., & Ostmann, A. (1999). Missing the target? Sanctioning as an ambiguous structural solution. In M. Smithson (Ed.), Resolving Social Dilemmas, 165–180. Philadelphia: Taylor & Frances
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (1997). A flexible way of design-construction and data-description in the social dilemma research. In F. Faulbaum & W. Bandilla (Eds.), Soft Stat '97, 6, 175–182. Stuttgart: Lucius
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M., & Ostmann, A. (1997). Agentenmodelle im Umgang mit vollständig erneuerbaren Gemeingütern. In C. Jung, K. Fischer, & S. Schacht (Eds.), Working Notes of the First German Workshop on Distributed Cognitive Systems, 20–38. Saarbrücken: German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M., & Ostmann, A. (1996). A member's view of a common: Cognitive and socio-cognitive factors. In C. Roland-Lévy (Ed.), Social and Economic Representations, 1203–1220. Paris: Université René Descartes
Book Chapter
Beckenkamp, M. (1993). Künstliche Intelligenz. In Informationstechnische Grundbildung, 3, 173–194. Tübingen: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Ohl, C., Lexer, W. S., Risnoveanu, G., Geamana, N., Beckenkamp, M., Fiorini, S., & et al. (2008). Governing biodiversity: Procedural and distributional justice in social dilemmas. In 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons “Governing shared resources: connecting local experience to global challenges”, July 14-18, 2008, Cheltenham, UK
Conference Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2004). Institutional design in CPR-problems: a fruitful field for the cross-fertilization between economics and psychology. In IAREP/SABE, Philadelphia, Drexel University
Conference Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2003). The influence of structural and strategic knowledge in social dilemmas. In 10th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Marstrand/Schweden
Conference Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2003). Social Values and the Impact of Structural and Strategic Knowledge in Social Dilemmas. In ESA, Erfurt

Thesis (1)

Beckenkamp, M. (1995). Wissenspsychologie: Zur Methodologie kognitionswissenschaftlicher Ansätze Retrieved from

Working Paper (10)

Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2009). Environmental dilemmas revisited: structural consequences from the angle of institutional ergonomics. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M., Engel, C., Glöckner, A., Irlenbusch, B., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Kube, S., … Towfigh, E. V. (2009). First Impressions are More Important than Early Intervention. Qualifying Broken Windows Theory in the Lab. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2008). Playing strategically against nature? – Decisions viewed from a game-theoretic frame. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Quirin, M., Beckenkamp, M., & Kuhl, J. (2008). Giving or Taking: The Role of Dispositional Power Motivation and Positive Affect in Profit Maximization? Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Maier-Rigaud, F. P., & Beckenkamp, M. (2007). Purchase Decisions with Non-linear Pricing Options under Risk – Experimental Evidence. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2006). The herd moves? Emergence and self-organization in collective actors. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M., Hennig-Schmidt, H., & Maier-Rigaud, F. P. (2006). Cooperation in Symmetric and Asymmetric Prisoner's Dilemma Games. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2004). Institutionelle Ergonomie. Verhaltensrelevante Variablen zur Beeinflussung kooperativen Verhaltens in sozialen Dilemmata. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2004). Is there an optimization in bounded rationality? The ratio of aspiration levels. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M. (2002). A Game Theoretic Taxonomy of Social Dilemmas. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods