Publications of Leonor Moral Soriano

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L. (2003). How Proportionate should Anti-competition State Intervention be? European Law Review, (28), 112–123
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L. (2003). A Modest Notion of Coherence in Legal Reasoning. A Model for the European Court of Justice. Ratio Juris, 16(3), 296–323
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L. (2003). Servicio Universal y Telecomunicaciones. REDETI, (16), 37–62
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L., & Sarmiento Ramirez-Escudero, D. (2003). Ordenanzas locales, reserva de Ley y reservas democráticas. Cuadernos de Derecho Local, (3), 120–130
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L. (2002). "Balancing reasons at the European court of justice" in proceedings of the IVR conference 1999 legal philosophy: general aspects (concepts, rights and doctrines). Archiv f, 128–142
Journal Article
Moral Soriano, L. (2002). Proporcionalidad y servicios de interés económico general. Revista Espa, 3, 387–416

Book (1)

Moral Soriano, L. (2002). El precedente judicial, 269 p. Madrid: Marcial Pons

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Moral Soriano, L. (2003). Politics and Adjudication. Problem Definition and Conflict Solution in European Electricity Policy. In C. Engel & A. Héritier (Eds.), Law and Politics, 151–167. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Book Chapter
Moral Soriano, L., & Héritier, A. (2002). The case of public mission versus competition rules and trade rules. In Common Goods: Reinventing European and International Governance, 207–231. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield
Book Chapter
Moral Soriano, L., & Ladeur, K.-H. (2002). A theoretical approach to the tension between form and substance in English judicial reasoning. In The Europeanization of Administrative Law: Transforming National Decision-Making Procedures, 122–144. Dartmouth: Ashgate

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Héritier, A., & Moral Soriano, L. (2001). Differentiating and linking politics and adjudication: the example of European electricity policy. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods