Publications of Sebastian Tonke
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Tonke, S., & (2024). Correcting misperceptions about trends and norms to address weak collective action — Experimental evidence from a recycling program. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 128, 103046
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Journal Article
Tonke, S. (2024). Providing procedural knowledge: Evidence from a field experiment to encourage resource conservation in Namibia. Journal of Development Economics, 166, 103202
Journal Article
Rockenbach, B., Tonke, S., & (2023). A large-scale field experiment to decrease non-payment for water: From diagnosis to treatment. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1–45
Journal Article
Rockenbach, B., Tonke, S., & (2021). Self-serving behavior of the rich causes contagion effects among the poor. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 183, 289–300