Publications of Johannes Haushofer

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Haushofer, J., Lowes, S., Musau, A., Ndetei, D., Nunn, N., Poll, M., & Qian, N. (2023). Stress, ethnicity, and prosocial behavior. Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, 1(2), 225–269
Journal Article
Haushofer, J., & Salicath, D. (2023). The psychology of poverty: Where do we stand? Social Philosophy and Policy
Journal Article
Egger, D., Haushofer, J., Miguel, E., Niehaus, P., & Walker, M. (2022). General equilibrium effects of cash transfers: Experimental evidence from Kenya. Econometrica, 90(6), 2603–2643
Journal Article
Sheen, J. K., Haushofer, J., Metcalf, C. J. E., & Kennedy-Shaffer, L. (2022). The required size of cluster randomized trials of nonpharmaceutical interventions in epidemic settings. Statistics in Medicine, 41(13), 2466–2482
Journal Article
Christensen, D., Dube, O., Haushofer, J., Siddiqi, B., & Voors, M. (2021). Building resilient health systems: Experimental evidence from Sierra Leone and the 2014 Ebola outbreak. The Quarterly Journal of Economic, 136(2), 1145–1198
Journal Article
Haushofer, J., Jain, P., Musau, A., & Ndetei, D. (2021). Stress may increase choice of sooner outcomes, but not temporal discounting. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 183, 377–396
Journal Article
Egger, D., Miguel, E., Warren, S. S., Shenoy, A., Collins, E., Karlan, D., … Vernot, C. (2021). Falling living standards during the COVID-19 crisis: Quantitative evidence from nine developing countries. Science Advances, 7(6), eabe0997
Journal Article
Haushofer, J., & Metcalf, C. J. E. (2020). Which interventions work best in a pandemic? Science, 368(6495), 1063–1065
Journal Article
Haushofer, J., Chemin, M., Jang, C., & Abraham, J. (2020). Economic and psychological effects of health insurance and cash transfers: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Kenya. Journal of Development Economics, 144, 102416
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