Publications of Julia Sasse

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
Baumert, A., Mentrup, F. E., Klümper, L., & Sasse, J. (2024). Personality processes of everyday moral courage. Journal of Personality, 92(3), 764–783
Journal Article
Toribio-Flórez, D., Sasse, J., & Baumert, A. (2023). “Proof under reasonable doubt”: Ambiguity of the norm violation as boundary condition of third-party punishment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49, 429–446
Journal Article
Sasse, J., Halmburger, A., & Baumert, A. (2022). The functions of anger in moral courage: Insights from a behavioral study. Emotion, 22(6), 1321–1335. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Journal Article
Sasse, J., Li, M., & Baumert, A. (2022). How prosocial is moral courage? Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 146–150
Journal Article
Sasse, J., Nazlic, T., Alrich, K., Frey, D., & Baumert, A. (2022). Mitigating intergroup conflict: Effectiveness of qualifying subjective justice views as an intervention technique in comparison to empathy induction. Social Justice Research, 35, 107–127
Journal Article
Sasse, J., van Breen, J., Spears, R., & Gordijn, E. (2021). The rocky road from experience to expression of emotions: Women’s anger about sexism. Affective Science, 2, 414–426
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Li, M., Sasse, J., & Skitka, L. (2020). Standing up against moral violations: Psychological processes of moral courage. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88
Journal Article
Ackerman, R. A., Chmielewski, M., Adler, J. M., Bach, B., Kongerslev, M. T., Baumert, A., … and Hopwood, C. J. (2018). Open Peer Commentary and Author's Response. European Journal of Personality, 32(5), 525–624
Journal Article
Sasse, J., Spears, R., & Gordijn, E. H. (2018). When to reveal what you feel: How emotions towards antagonistic out-group and third party audiences are expressed strategically. PLOS ONE, 13(9)
Journal Article
Bell, R., Sasse, J., Möller, M., Czernochowski, D., Mayr, S., & Buchner, A. (2016). Event‐related potentials in response to cheating and cooperation in a social dilemma game. Psychophysiology, 53, 216–228
Journal Article
Saab, R., Spears, R., Tausch, N., & Sasse, J. (2016). Predicting aggressive collective action based on the efficacy of peaceful and aggressive actions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 529–543
Journal Article
Sasse, J., Spears, R., & Gordijn., E. H. (2016). Gar nicht so negativ: Die funktionale Rolle von Ärger in sozialer Interaktion. In-Mind Magazin

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Sasse, J., Cypris, N., & Baumert, A. (2023). Civic courage online. In C. Cohrs, N. Knab, & G. Sommer (Eds.), Handbuch Friedenspsychologie,
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