SEEDEC Conference 2025: Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries takes place in Bonn

SEEDEC Conference 2025: Symposium on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries takes place in Bonn

The institute – namely Matthias Sutter’s research group on Experimental Economics – organizes the next Seedec Conference 2025 in Bonn with the Norwegian School of Economics.
The Symposium will take place from 12–13 June 2025 at the Collegium Leoninum.

Christoph Engel receives lifetime award by the European Association of Law and Economics

Christoph Engel receives lifetime award by the European Association of Law and Economics

At its annual conference in Torino, the European Association for Law and Economics has bestowed its lifetime award to Christoph Engel

New publication by C.C. von Weizsäcker: "Freedom and Adaptive Preferences"

New publication by C.C. von Weizsäcker: "Freedom and Adaptive Preferences"

Traditional welfare economics works with the assumption of the fully rational economic agent (homo economicus) whose preferences are fixed: that is, they are not influenced by their economic environment. To the contrary, Carl Christian von Weizsäcker presents a theory of welfare economics that maintains the principles of normative individualism while allowing for adaptive or changeable preferences.

Forthcoming at Mohr Siebeck: Public Law as a Behavioral System (in German)

Forthcoming at Mohr Siebeck: Public Law as a Behavioral System (in German)

Joint project from the Engel research group systematizes the behavioral approach to public law. Behavioral law has evolved from singular refinements within economic analysis into a theory of assumptions for the whole of jurisprudence. Making knowledge about individual behavior accessible to doctrine and regulatory practice requires digesting empirical literature for the purposes of the law.

Wiley publishes the Korean edition of Matthias Sutter's latest book: „Behavioral Economics for Leaders: Research-Based Insights on the Weird, Irrational, and Wonderful Ways Humans Navigate the Workplace”

Wiley publishes the Korean edition of Matthias Sutter's latest book: „Behavioral Economics for Leaders: Research-Based Insights on the Weird, Irrational, and Wonderful Ways Humans Navigate the Workplace”

This book presents current insights from the field of behavioral economics to understand better the "human factor" in professional life and to enable successful cooperation.

Upcoming Research Seminars

George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University)

The Bi-directional Relationship Between Shame and Disclosure (with 
Erin Carbone, Linda Dezso,Cass Sunstein)
Oct 1, 2024 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Zoom meeting, please contact Zita Green for Zoom link:

Marie-Claire Villeval (CNRS GATE Lyon)

Selective Information Sharing and Group Delusion (with Anton Suvorov, Jeroen van de Ven)
Oct 2, 2024 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
MPI, Room: Ground Floor

Maria Polipciuc (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)

Upstream corrections in a team task
Oct 28, 2024 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)

External Talks of MPI Members

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Recent Articles

Alysandratos, T., Georganas, S., & Sutter, M.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024

Kaba, M., Koyuncu, M., Schneider, S. O., & Sutter, M.
European Economic Review, 2024, 168, 104818

Opitz, S., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., & Zimmermann, T.
Management Science, 2024

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Discussion Papers

Zvonimir Bašić, Stefania Bortolotti, Daniel Salicath, Stefan Schmidt, Sebastian O. Schneider, Matthias Sutter
One size fits all? The interplay of incentives, effort provision, and personality

Christoph Engel
Experimental comparative law 2.0? Large language models as a novel empirical tool

Arian Henning; Pascal Langenbach
Bridging the human-automation fairness gap: How providing reasons enhances the perceived fairness of public decision-making

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