Journal Article (157)

Journal Article
Engel, C., Fleischer, H., & Zimmer, D. (2011). Die Bedeutung der Verhaltensökonomie für das Kartellrecht. Beitrag der Verhaltensökonomie (Behavioral Economics) zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Beiheft der Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, 75, 100–121
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Kurschilgen, M. (2011). Fairness Ex Ante & Ex Post: Experimentally Testing Ex Post Judicial Intervention into Blockbuster Deals. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 8, 682–708
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2010). The Multiple Uses of Experimental Evidence in Legal Scholarship. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 166, 199–202
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2010). The Behaviour of Corporate Actors. A Survey of the Empirical Literature. Journal of Institutional Economics, 6, 445–475
Journal Article
Engel, C., Glöckner, A., & Schönfeldt, K. (2010). Informationsverzerrungen bei rechtlichen Entscheidungen. Richter ohne Robe, 22, 135–136
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2009). Erga Omnes. Why does Public International Law Ignore Privity of Contract. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (26th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics), 165, 24–28
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2009). Preponderance of the Evidence Versus Intime Conviction. A Behavioral Perspective on a Conflict Between American and Continental European Law. Vermont Law Review, 33, 435–467
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2008). Governments in Dilemma. A Game Theoretic Model for the Conclusion of Bilateral Investment Treaties. University of Illinois Law Review, 305–318
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2008). Poor Judicial Performance: When Should the Parties Care? Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 164, 95–98
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2008). REITs ante portas - Die Anpassung des deutschen Rechts an institutionelle Investoren in den Grundstücks- und Mietmärkten. Juristenzeitung, 63, 1027–1031
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2008). REITs ante portas: Adapting German Law to the Advent of Institutional Investors in Real Estate Markets. Juristenzeitung, 63, 1027–1031. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Lüdemann, J. (2008). Die technische Seite der Verbreitung öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks in digitalisierten Kabelnetzen. Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht, 52, 904–916
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2007). The Cognitive Effect of a Minimum Wage. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 163, 52–55
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2007). Exclusionary Bundling and the Effects of a Competitive Fringe. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 163, 133–137
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2007). Competition in a Pure World of Internet Telephony. Telecommunications Policy, 31, 530–540
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2006). Vom Wert der Jurisprudenz als einer politischen Wissenschaft. Juristenzeitung, 61(22), 1118–1119
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Güth, W. (2006). Corporate Culture as a Resource for Management: Comment. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 162, 97–100
Journal Article
Engel, C., Verweij, M., Thompson, M., Douglas, M., Richard, E., Hendriks, F., … Rayner, S. (2006). Clumsy Solutions for a Complex World. The Case of Climate Change. Public Administration, 84, 817–843
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2005). General and Specific Rules: Comment. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 161, 350–354
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2005). Zuschaueranteile in der publizistischen Konzentrationskontrolle. Grenzwert oder bloß ein Indiz unter vielen? Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht, 49, 776–782
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