Journal Article (157)

Journal Article
Engel, C., & Fairfield, J. (2015). Privacy as a Public Good. Duke Law Journal, 65(3), 385–457
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Kleine, M. (2015). Who Is Afraid of Pirates? An Experiment on the Deterrence of Innovation by Imitation. Research Policy, 44(1), 20–33
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Nagin, D. (2015). Who is Afraid of the Stick? Experimentally Testing the Deterrent Effect of Sanction Certainty. Review of Behavioral Economics, 2(4), 405–434
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Pluta, A. (2015). The People’s Hired Guns? Experimentally Testing the Motivating Force of a Legal Frame. International Review of Law and Economics, 43, 67–82. Sevenoaks, Kent, England: Elsevier
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Schweizer, U. (2015). Does the Law Deliver? Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (32th International Seminar on the New Institutional Economics), 171(1), 1–5
Journal Article
Beckenkamp, M., Engel, C., Glöckner, A., Irlenbusch, B., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Kube, S., … Towfigh, E. V. (2014). First Impressions are More Important than Early Intervention. Qualifying Broken Windows Theory in the Lab. International Review of Law and Economics, 37, 126–136
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2014). A Dynamic View on Justification: Comment. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 170, 189–192
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2014). Social Preferences Can Make Imperfect Sanctions Work: Evidence from a Public Good Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 108, 343–353
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2014). What Makes Intervention Legitimate? Editorial Preface. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 170, 1–4
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Eisenberg, T. (2014). Assuring Civil Damages Adequately Deter: A Public Good Experiment. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 11, 301–349
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Moffat, P. G. (2014). dhreg, xtdhreg, bootdhreg: Programs to Implement Double Hurdle Regression. Stata Journal, 14, 778–797
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Rand, D. (2014). What Does "Clean" Really Mean? The Implicit Framing of Decontextualized Experiments. Economics Letters, 122, 386–389
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Zhurakhovska, L. (2014). Conditional Cooperation With Negative Externalities – An Experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 108, 252–260
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2013). Nudged to Be Consistent. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 169, 45–48
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Glöckner, A. (2013). Role Induced Bias in Court: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26, 272–284
Journal Article
Engel, C., & Kurschilgen, M. (2013). The Coevolution of Behavior and Normative Expectations. Customary Law in the Lab. American Law and Economics Review, 15(2), 578–609
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2012). Fair Exclusion. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 168, 171–175
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2011). Contract as Exposure to Attack. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 167, 72–76
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2011). The Emergence of a New Rule of Customary Law: An Experimental Contribution. Review of Law and Economics, 7, 767–789
Journal Article
Engel, C. (2011). When is Intellectual Property Needed as a Carrot for Innovators? Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 7, 277–299
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