Publications of Andreas Glöckner

Book Chapter (12)

Book Chapter
Horstmann, N., Hausmann, D., & Ryf, S. (2010). Methods for inducing intuitive and deliberate processing modes. In A. Glöckner & C. L. M. Witteman (Eds.), Foundations for tracing intuition: Challenges and methods, 219–237. London: Psychology Press & Routledge
Book Chapter
Glöckner, A. (2008). Zur Rolle intuitiver und bewusster Prozesse bei rechtlichen Entscheidungen [Intuitive and deliberate processes in legal decision making]. In Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Ed.), Max-Planck-Jahrbuch, München: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Book Chapter
McElreath, R., Boyd, R., Gigerenzer, G., Glöckner, A., Hammerstein, P., & Kurban, R. (2008). Individual decision making and the evolutionary roots of institutions. In C. Engel & W. Singer (Eds.), Better Than Conscious? Implications for Performance and Institutional Analysis, 325–342. Cambridge: MIT Press
Book Chapter
Glöckner, A. (2007). Does Intuition Beat Fast and Frugal Heuristics? A Systematic Empirical Approach. In Intuition in Judgment and Decision Making, 309–325. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum

Working Paper (24)

Working Paper
Engel, C., Glöckner, A., & Timme, S. (2017). Defendant Should Have the Last Word – Experimentally Manipulating Order and Provisional Assessment of the Facts in Criminal Procedure. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Towfigh, E. V., Glöckner, A., Goerg, S. J., Leifeld, P., Kurschilgen, C., Llorente-Saguer, A., & Bade, S. (2013). Does Political Representation through Parties Decrease Voters' Acceptance of Decisions? Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., Kube, S., & Nicklisch, A. (2011). The Joint Benefits of Observed and Unobserved Punishment: Comment to Unobserved Punishment Supports Cooperation. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Dickert, S., Herbig, B., Glöckner, A., Gansen, C., & Portack, R. (2010). The More the Better? Effects of Training and Information Amount in Legal Judgments. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Engel, C. (2010). Role Induced Bias in Court: An Experimental Analysis. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Towfigh, E. V. (2010). Geschicktes Glücksspiel. Die Sportwette als Grenzfall des Glücksspielrechts. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Towfigh, E. V., & Glöckner, A. (2010). Game Over: Empirical Support for Soccer Bets Regulation. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Beckenkamp, M., Engel, C., Glöckner, A., Irlenbusch, B., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Kube, S., … Towfigh, E. V. (2009). First Impressions are More Important than Early Intervention. Qualifying Broken Windows Theory in the Lab. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Hodges, S. D. (2009). Parallel Constraint Satisfaction in Memory-Based Decisions. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., Irlenbusch, B., Kube, S., Nicklisch, A., & Normann, H.-T. (2009). Leading with(out) Sacrifice? A Public-Goods Experiment with a Super-Additive Player. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., Kleber, J., Tontrup, S., & Bechtold, S. (2009). The Endowment Effect in Groups with and without Strategic Incentives. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Herbig, B., & Glöckner, A. (2009). Experts and Decision Making: First Steps Towards a Unifying Theory of Decision Making in Novices, Intermediates and Experts. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Horstmann, N., Ahlgrimm, A., & Glöckner, A. (2009). How Distinct are Intuition and Deliberation? An Eye-Tracking Analysis of Instruction-Induced Decision Modes. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Morell, A., Glöckner, A., & Towfigh, E. V. (2009). Sticky Rebates: Target Rebates Induce Non-Rational Loyalty in Consumers. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A. (2008). How Evolution Outwits Bounded Rationality The Efficient Interaction of Automatic and Deliberate Processes in Decision Making and Implications for Institutions? Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A. (2008). „Neurorecht“ ohne Psychologie? Die Rolle verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Betrachtungsebenen bei der Ableitung rechtspolitischer Empfehlungen. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Betsch, T. (2008). Do People Make Decisions Under Risk Based on Ignorance? An Empirical Test of the Priority Heuristic against Cumulative Prospect Theory. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Betsch, T. (2008). Modeling option and strategy choices with connectionist networks: Towards an integrative model of automatic and deliberate decision making. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Betsch, T. (2008). Multiple-Reason Decision Making Based on Automatic Processing. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., Betsch, T., & Schindler, N. (2008). Coherence Shifts in Probabilistic Inference Tasks. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Dickert, S. (2008). Base-rate Respect by Intuition: Approximating Rational Choices in Base-rate Tasks with Multiple Cues. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Engel, C. (2008). Can We Trust Intuitive Jurors? Standards of Proof and the Probative Value of Evidence in Coherence Based Reasoning. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Herbold, A.-K. (2008). Information Processing in Decisions under Risk: Evidence for Compensatory Strategies based on Automatic Processes. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Working Paper
Glöckner, A., & Moritz, S. (2008). A Fine-grained Analysis of the Jumping to Conclusions Bias in Schizophrenia: Data-Gathering, Response Confidence, and Information Integration. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

Other (1)

Glöckner, A., Towfigh, E. V., & Reid, R. M. (2013). Dangerous Games. The Psychological Case for Regulating Gambling. Charleston Law Review. New York: New York University, Law
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