Family-sponsored migration (with Sebastian Kupek and Andreas Steinmayr)
- Date: Jun 19, 2024
- Time: 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Toman Barsbai (Bristol University)
- Location: MPI
- Room: Ground Floor
Most permanent immigrants to the OECD are family migrants, i.e., a
family member who already resides in the destination country sponsors
their visa. This paper presents a comprehensive economic analysis of
family-sponsored migration. Our analysis builds on unique
individual-level administrative data that covers the universe of
permanent migrants from the Philippines to the U.S. and allows linking
migrants to their sponsors. We aim to make three contributions. First,
we present previously unknown stylized facts about family-sponsored
migration. The sponsorship rate, the average number of relatives an
individual sponsor sponsors directly, is substantially lower than
previous estimates based on aggregate data have suggested. In addition,
sponsored relatives have relatively high levels of education. Second, we
develop a theoretical framework for family-sponsored migration. The key
innovation is that it is the sponsor in the destination country, not
the potential migrant, who makes the migration decision. We predict
sponsoring to (i) increase in the sponsor’s income, (ii) increase in the
relative’s (potential) income in the destination
country, (iii) decrease in the relative’s (potential) income in the
country of origin, and (iv) decrease in the cost of supporting the
relative at the destination relative to the origin. Third, we exploit
the fine-grained nature of our data and test these predictions. Our
empirical evidence largely aligns with the theoretical predictions.