Journal Article (61)

Journal Article
Aya, A., Harb, C., Li, M., & Baumert, A. (2020). Predicting collective action tendencies among filipina domestic workers in Lebanon: Integrating the social identity model of collective action and the role of fear. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 23(7), 967–978
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Buchholz, N., Zinkernagel, A., Clarke, P., MacLeod, C., Osinsky, R., & Schmitt, M. (2020). Causal underpinnings of working memory and Stroop interference control: Testing the effects of anodal and cathodal tDCS over the left DLPFC. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience volume, 20, 34–48
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Schmitt, M., & Perugini, M. (2019). Towards an Explanatory Personality Psychology: Integrating Personality Structure, Personality Process, and Personality Development. Personality and Individual Differences. Special Issue on “A Consensual Paradigm in Personality Research", 147, 18–27
Journal Article
Geissner, E., Knechtl, L. M., Baumert, A., Rothmund, T., & Schmitt, M. (2019). Schulderleben bei Zwangspatienten. Verhaltenstherapie
Journal Article
Halmburger, A., Baumert, A., & Rothmund, T. (2019). Seen one, seen ‘em all? Do reports about law violations of a single politician impair the perceived trustworthiness of politicians in general and of the political system? Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7, 448–477
Journal Article
Ackerman, R. A., Chmielewski, M., Adler, J. M., Bach, B., Kongerslev, M. T., Baumert, A., … and Hopwood, C. J. (2018). Open Peer Commentary and Author's Response. European Journal of Personality, 32(5), 525–624
Journal Article
Baumert, A. (2018). Soll ich eingreifen oder nicht? Warum tun Menschen nichts, wenn anderer belästigt wird? Psychologin Anna Baumert über Zivilcourage und die besten Strategien in bedrohlichen Situationen. (Interview). Psychologie heute
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Schmitt, M., Perugini, M., Johnson, W., Blum, G., & Wrzus, C. (2017). Integrating personality structure, personality process, and personality development. European Journal of Personality, 31, 503–528
Journal Article
Maltese, S., & Baumert, A. (2017). Linking longitudinal dynamics of justice sensitivity and moral disengagement. Personality and Individual Differences
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Halmburger, A., Rothmund, T., & Schemer, C. (2016). Everyday dynamics in generalized social and political trust. Journal of Research in Personality, 69, 44–54
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Schmitt, M., & Blum, G. (2016). Beware of indirect effects. Rigorous definitions and methods for testing the causality of traits. Commentary. European Journal of Personality, 45, 39–51
Journal Article
Maltese, S., Baumert, A., Schmitt, M., & MacLeod, C. (2016). How victim sensitivity leads to uncooperative behavior via expectancies of injustice. Frontiers in Psychology, 6
Journal Article
Halmburger, A., Baumert, A., & Schmitt, M. (2015). Anger as driving factor of moral courage in comparison to guilt, and global mood: A multimethod approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 39–51
Journal Article
Maier, M., Maier, J., Baumert, A., Kemper, C. J., Kovaleva, A., Liebig, S., & Rammstedt, B. (2015). Measuring citizens’ implicit and explicit attitudes towards the European Union. European Union Politics, 16, 369–385
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Beierlein, C., Schmitt, M., Kemper, C., Kovaleva, A., Liebig, S., & Rammstedt, B. (2014). Measuring four perspectives of justice sensitivity with two items each. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96, 380–390
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Schlösser, T., & Schmitt, M. (2014). Economic games – Performance-based assessment of altruism and fairness. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30, 178–192
Journal Article
Rothmund, T., & Baumert, A. (2014). Shame on me – Implicit assessment of negative moral self-evaluation in shame-proneness. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 195–202
Journal Article
Rothmund, T., Baumert, A., & Zinkernagel, A. (2014). The German "Wutbürger" - How Justice sensitivity accounts for individual differences in political engagement. Social Justice Research, 27, 24–44
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Baumert, A., Halmburger, A., & Schmitt, M. (2013). Interventions against norm violations: Dispositional determinants of self-reported and real moral courage. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1053–1068
Journal Article
Baumert, A., Nazlic, T., & Alrich, K. (2013). Konflikte bearbeiten durch Relativierung von Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen [Conflict management through qualifying subjective justice views]. Konfliktdynamik, 1, 36–43
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