Journal Article (88)

Journal Article
Güth, W., Levatia, M. V., & Soraperrab, I. (2015). Common and private signals in public goods games with a point of no return. Resource and Energy Economics, 41, 164–184
Journal Article
Güth, W., & Pezanis-Christou, P. (2015). Believing in correlated types in spite of independence: An indirect evolutionary analysis. Economics Letters, 134, 1–3
Journal Article
Güth, W., Pull, K., & Stadler, M. (2015). Delegation, worker compensation, and strategic competition. Journal of Business Economics, 85(1), 1–13
Journal Article
Bäker, A., Güth, W., Pull, K., & Stadler, M. (2014). Entitlement and the efficiency-equality trade-off: an experimental study. Theory and Decision, 76(2), 225–240
Journal Article
Berninghaus, S. K., Güth, W., & Schosser, S. (2014). Backward Induction or Forward Reasoning ?– An Experiment of Stochastic Alternating Offer Bargaining. International Game Theory Review, 16(01)
Journal Article
Bruttel, L. V., Stolley, F., Güth, W., Kliemt, H., Bosworth, S., Bartke, S., … Funk, L. (2014). Nudging als politisches Instrument — gute Absicht oder staatlicher Übergriff? Wirtschaftsdienst, 94(11), 767–791
Journal Article
Freytag, A., Güth, W., Koppel, H., & Wangler, L. (2014). Is regulation by milestones efficiency enhancing? An experimental study of environmental protection. European Journal of Political Economy, 33, 71–84
Journal Article
Güth, W. (2014). Institutional Regulation of Public Provision. Review of Law & Economics, 10(1), 81–94
Journal Article
Güth, W. (2014). Endogenous community formation and collective provision–A procedurally fair mechanism. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 108, 389–395
Journal Article
Güth, W. (2014). Observing Mental Modeling-Methods and Results. Review of Behavioral Economics, 1(1-2), 99–114
Journal Article
Güth, W., Koukoumelis, A., Levati, M. V., & Ploner, M. (2014). Providing revenue-generating projects under a fair mechanism: An experimental analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 108, 410–419
Journal Article
Güth, W., Levati, M. V., & Montinari, N. (2014). Ranking alternatives by a fair bidding rule: A theoretical and experimental analysis. European Journal of Political Economy, 34, 206–221
Journal Article
Güth, W., Pull, K., & Stadler, M. (2014). Delegation, worker compensation, and strategic competition. Journal of Business Economics, 85, 1–13
Journal Article
Güth, W., Pull, K., Stadler, M., & Zaby, A. (2014). Endogenous price leadership – A theoretical and experimental analysis. Journal of economic behavior & organization, 108, 420–432
Journal Article
Fischer, S., & Güth, W. (2012). Effects of exclusion on acceptance in ultimatum games. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 1100–1114
Journal Article
Büchner, S., Miller, L. M., & Güth, W. (2011). Individually selecting among conventions - an evolutionary and experimental analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 21, 285
Journal Article
Nicklisch, A., Cantner, U., Güth, W., & Weiland, T. (2009). Competition in product design: An experiment exploring innovation behavior. Metroeconomica, 60, 724–752
Journal Article
Büchner, S., Gonzalez, L. G., Güth, W., & Freytag, A. (2008). Bribery and Public Procurement: An experimental study. Public Choice, 137, 103–117
Journal Article
Fischer, S., Güth, W., & Pull, K. (2007). Evolution in imperfect commitment bargaining – strategic versus ignorant types. Metroeconomica, 58, 299–309
Journal Article
Fischer, S., Güth, W., & Pull, K. (2007). Is there As-if Bargaining? Journal of Socio-Economics, 36, 546–560
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