Yero Samuel Ndiaye

Research Fellow

Research Focus

I am interested in credence goods markets, particularly health care markets, financial markets, and market design. I enjoy using both modern statistical and experimental methods.

Academic Career

  • since 10/2021: PhD in Economics: University of Cologne
  • 10/2017 — 10/2021: MSc in Economics: University of Cologne
  • 09/2019 — 07/2021: MSc in Statistics: London School of Economics and Political Science
  • 10/2015 — 08/2017: BSc in Economics: University of Cologne


Ndiaye, Y. S., Cramton, P., Chernev, C., Ockenfels, A., & Schwarz, T. (forthcoming). Comparison of radiological interpretation made by veterinary radiologists and state-of-the-art commercial AI software for canine and feline radiographic studies. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

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